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Dear Buyers female and male coats Avalon, dresses, blouses, belts and straps!
  Опубликовано: 02-03-2016

We deliver Avalon coat  in any city of Russia and not only our delivery coat of Avalon Avalon live deliver our products to anywhere in the world for minimum money!
(see section delivery, online store)
Collections Avalon created by talented, creative designers, who have extensive experience that close attention to everything that is behind the concept of "High Fashion", all the new trends in the field they use in their practice, so buying a woman's coat of Avalon, you may be sure that it meets modern fashion.
With respect!

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Адрес: г.Москва, 2-й Котляковский переулок д.1,стр.99
г.Москва, 2-й Котляковский переулок д.1,стр.99
E-mail: Avalon-live@mail.ruКарта сайта

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